Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Charity Fashion Fair
Creatii unicat ale celor mai in voga tineri designeri, bijuterii vintage, demonstratii de make-up si hair styling si sansa la viata oferita in dar unui baietel de sase ani, autist! Acesta este ambientul evenimentului de moda, care are ca scop strangerea de fonduri pentru Damian, un copil condamnat de viata, la tacere!
Media Art Consulting, in parteneriat cu Bonton Palace vin, in sprijinul tinerilor creatori de moda organizand targul-eveniment de moda Charity Fashion Fair. Incepand cu ora 11:30 designerii isi vor expune si vinde creatiile pe terasa clubului Bonton, intrarea fiind libera. Seara, de la ora 21:00, Doina Levinta, Dan Coman, Rhea Costa, Mirela Diaconu si Edita Lupea, uniti sub conceptul celui mai exclusivist fashion boutique, Blanche, si Alin Dinica, Adriana Nedelea si JuliaS by Julia S vor oferi un show de moda cu cele mai recente creatii exclusiviste. Seara se va incheia cu o licitatie de creatii vestimentare, moderata de Vali Butnaru si Andy Juganaru.
Pe toata durata evenimnetului va fi amenajat un spatiu special, cu obiecte donate de designeri, banii obtinuti din licitatia acestor produse oferindu-se integral micutului Damian. Astfel, Alin Dinica, Antante, Cherie, Cybela Accesori,, LivChariere, Lorina Bijoux, JuleS by Julia S si magazinul Blanche s-au alaturat infaptuiri unei minuni pentru baietelul autist, donand cate o creatie ce le poarta semnatura.
Echipele de specialisti de la Keune Professional si de la Scoala de Make-up a Giuliei Nahmany s-au alaturat acestui proiect, oferind cadouri si demonstratii de machiaj si coafura tuturor doamnelor prezente la eveniment. Nu vor lipsi nici surprizele din partea Avon Romania, care ne vor surprinde cu cele mai noi trucuri de infrumusetare.
Parteneri: Bonton Palace, Keune, One Media Agency, Avon,, Blanche.
Parteneri media:,,, Agentiade,, Fox Magazine, Music Channel,,, Nouvelles Estetiques.
Te asteptam si pe tine sa infaptuiesti o minune!*, cybela, liv chariere,antante, lorina bijoux, alin dinica.
*comunicat de presa
*comunicat de presa, cybela, liv chariere,antante, lorina bijoux, alin dinica.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Greetings fashionistas!
This weekend we will be Absolutely Fabulous at the Summer edition of the hottest fashion&vintage fair in Bucharest! So come at the Cafepedia Romana (Arthur Verona Street no 2) between 11:00 -19:00. There is no dress code so let your imagination run wild and just be fabulous! The entrance fee is 10 lei and you will be rewarded with Oriflame cosmetic products and a visual feast of the coolest pieces of the season!
Beautiful clothes, vintage jewelry, good coffee and cool people => Fabulous weekend!
LivChariere will be on the first floor! See you there!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Preparing to blossom
Today there's not much to say, I'm working intensely on my "Blossom" collection but I do want to share with you one of the quotes that inspired me:
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
Anais Nin Monday, June 6, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Saturday I was at the Ecochic vintage fair and fashion show and the subject of the fair was sustainable fashion, recycling old, unwearable clothes and transforming them into something amazing by being creative. And I realized I've been doing that since forever. It's actually how I got started (as a child experimenting first on my parent's clothes:)). This dress used to be a scarf, but i made it into a dress because I loved the print and the material (pure silk) and saw a lot of transforming potential in it. Eco&Stylish!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
I absolutely adore this dress!
Indeed life can be a little sour sometimes, like it's raining with lemon juice but you can always add a little sugar, change your perspective on things and turn them around.
"I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul"
William Ernest Henley - Invictus
Sugar kisses!
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