Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Absolutely Fabulous- No 10

The most fabulous fashion&vitange fair in Romania is going to be 10 editions old on 6th of  November!!!
And because of this special occasion there is an amazing guest: Melanie Galea the street photographer that has the super cool blog http://thestreetmuse.style.it/ . So besides wonderful shopping you can also be absolutely fabulous on an international street style blog!
LivChariere  has many surprises for you: a new collection for the cold autumn days and a new range of handmade accessories!
Stay fab!

Love love this poster!Don't you?

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I love statement necklaces! They can totally turn around an outfit! They are the divine detail that get you from boring to spectacular in a heartbeat. So I wisely decided to start making them. 
And I love it! Indeed, it takes a lot of patience and concentration but to me this is an "relaxing effort:)". Love the results, as I enjoy so much to make unusual combinations between different materials, textures and colors. It's such a wonderful feeling to do what you love the most!

They are completely handmade with my magic fingers:)!
The prices are between 139-169 Ron. Contact livchariere@gmail.com for orders!
Stay FAB!xoxoxo!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Favorite Dresses

"For a dress to survive from one era to the next, it must be marked with an extreme purity"
Madame Gres

      I love fashion history. But what surprises me when I'm looking back in time is how I find amazing designs that are so contemporary....even if they were made in 1930! That is true creative genius, to design something that is forever gorgeous, an immortal piece that conquers the many trifles of lady Fashion.
This is just a tiny selection of my favorite dresses and looking at them motivates me to overcome my limitations. Hope you enjoy it just as much as I do!

                                        This has to be the most amazing back I've seen in a dress.
                                                   Gianfranco Ferre Autumn/Winter 1992/93
And the front isn't disappointing either:P
Simple, sleek, sensational
Madame Vionnet 1938, winter Collection
I adore it! I would get married in this dress!
                                                 Grace Kelly in Madame Gres I think....
                                                         She's fabulous anyway!
Madame Gres 1976
How cool is this?!!!
Madame Vionnet 1921
Madame Vionnet 1936
Christian Dior (the designer, not the brand)- Junon dress 
Fall/Winter 1949/50
Inspired by the patron goddess of Rome, Juno(Hera in Greek mythology) and the bird associated with her, 
the peacock. This dress is art in motion. 
Giles Spring/Summer 2007


Friday, October 7, 2011

IHeart Conceptstore

                   Incepand de azi ne gasiti intr-o atmosfera minunata la IHeart Conceptstore!
De Luni pana Vineri 12:00-19:30 si Sambata 12:00-16:30 pe Bulevardul Dacia nr 76 aveti destul timp sa achizitionati cele mai delicioase rochii si accesorii!
                 Sincer, ma bucur mult ca exista si coltisoare de originalitate in marea asta imensa de mall-uri, conformism si spirit de turma.

Pentru updates aproape zilnice:P intrati si pe 


Saturday, October 1, 2011


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Livram in toata tara!
Pt Bucuresti: predare personala.